Eric often uses terms or turns-of-phrase that some people may not immediately understand. This page is a reference source for those only. This should not be confused with more general topic areas that may at first cause confusion such as the DISC, EGOs, Load-Bearing Fictions, etc.

See also:

A/B Testing

Adaptive Landscape

Adaptive Valley

  • Sewall Wright's theory of adaptive landscapes of fitness

Adjective, Occupation, Name Formula


Agentic Leadership

Anthropic Capitalism

Anthropic Capitalism & the New Gimmick Economy




Artificial Outelligence

Audience Capture

Audio Samizdat

The Big 5 Personality Traits

Eric has referred to the Big 5 Personality Traits as a person's hedonic composition.

The Big Nap

Checksum Theory of Politics

Church and Pike Commissions


The Cosmic Spelling Bee

Deaths of Accountability


Dining a la Carte

Don't screw yourself out of magic

Don't wait for the bread to rise

Double Island Rules

The Educational Complex

Efficient Frontier

Electronic Tribalism & Electronic Feudalism

Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation

Environmental Insult

Escher's Hands Drawing Hands


Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD)

Forced Citation

Fragility of Masculinity

Game B

Gating Function

Gene Drive

Genius vs Excellence

Gini Coefficient

High Agency

Iago Media


Irrationality is a feature, not a bug. It gives us the ability to Camp and decamp.

It's a beautiful thing

Injustice Budget

Institutional Betrayal



Long-Form Podcasting


The Looting Party

Episode 27, 1:46:00:

when Bill Clinton decided that he couldn't take yet another loss to the Republican party, he was going to start experimenting with republicanism inside of the democratic party. By that point, we had two parties that more or less were two flavors of the same thing. I refer to that collective as the looting party.

Long Term vs Short Term Optimization

Long/short positions (nuanced positions)

Maladaptive strategies


"The meaning of my life is the progressing struggle to impart meaning to meaning." [1]

Message Violence

Middle Finger

Minus Epsilon

The N^2 Revolution

New Gimmick Economy

Anthropic Capitalism & the New Gimmick Economy

New Orchards

No Living Heroes


Oral Torah

The Oral Torah is the set of traditional laws which are associated written texts... but not written.

Overton Window

Perfectly Legal

Physics Dollars

Potemkin Village

Preference Falsification

Rent-seeking Elites

Reputational Violence

Resource Capture

Responsible Conspiracy Theorizing

Mentioned in ep25

Riding on a technical substrate

Rough Space


"When [the] sport of personal reputational destruction is coordinated by members of the complex formed by institutional media, the intelligence community, the political parties, political consultants, finance, tech and the academy"


Section A of the Reserve Index

Yes, our government developed a plan for rounding up people who could contradict the GIN. There‘s a plan for a coming total collapse of confidence in our system.


Selective Pressures

Semi-reliable Communal Sense-making

There has been a breakdown in the Semi-reliable Communal Sense-making. Traditionally we used institutions to guide our collective sense-making, but this is no longer the case in the media landscape – so sense-making is no longer close to fully communal. Walter Cronkite was not always telling the truth, but what he said was a close approximation of the national consciousness and shared belief structure as a complex for the country to function upon, but this does not exist in the current media landscape – so it is no longer semi-reliable.



Sharp Minds vs Sharp Elbows

Speaking Fee

Split Level Argument

Related to the "Motte-and-Bailey Doctrine".

Steady Hands


Teaching Disabilities

Terms of Service

Totalizing Ideologies

The Twin Nuclei Problem

The Observerse

There is no secret ingredient


Technology Intelligence Media (TIM)

Type I & Type II Error


Vampire Syndrome or Vampire Effect

White Suit

Wu-Yang Dictionary