Eric Weinstein - The Music in Me - Ep 1 (YouTube Content)

From The Portal Wiki
Eric Weinstein | The Music in Me | Ep.1
Palmisano Cover.jpg
Host(s) Michael Palmisano
Guest(s) Eric Weinstein
Length 01:59:54
Release Date 10 June 2022
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Eric Weinstein | The Music in Me was a discussion between Michael Palisano and Eric Weinstein.


Eric Weinstein is MANY things: Managing Director at Thiel Capital, Mathematician, Physicist, Economist, and host of the amazing podcast The Portal. He received his PhD from Harvard and has taught at MIT. He is the deepest of thinkers and one of those people that I would move mountains to chat with, because no topic is off limits and the search for the core of the issue is what's clearly paramount. No surface talk... My kind of people! So what moves Eric? The Blues. Thanks for making this a reality Eric, and I'm glad to know you and call you a friend :)


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