Eric has suggested that the wall should be modified to better fit the needs of the Graph, Wall, Tome Project. There are many extraneous items, for instance the Babylonian calculation of the square root of two and the Archimedes cylinder, there are some redundant items such as the Yang-Mills equations and the Maxwell equations, and the placement of equations on the wall doesn't reflect the groupings of the principles they embody. The Wall should reflect and expand the organization of ideas in the Graph.
Original Wall[edit]
New Wall[edit]
Modification Ideas[edit]
What should be in and what should be out of the future wall?
Klein-Gordon equation:' [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2} \psi - \nabla^2 \psi + \frac{m^2 c^2}{\hbar^2} \psi = 0 }[/math] |
✓ |
Lorenz Attractor |
✓ |
Higgs Boson [math]\displaystyle{ V(\phi) = \mu^2\phi^\dagger\phi + \lambda(\phi^\dagger\phi)^2 }[/math] |
✓ |
Bianchi identities First identity [math]\displaystyle{ D\Theta = \Omega \wedge \theta }[/math] Second identity: [math]\displaystyle{ D \Omega = 0 }[/math] |
✓ |
Non relativistic Schrödingers equation |
✓ |
Cosmological ‘constant’ added to Einstein field equations |
✓ |
Babylonian computation of the square root of 2 |
✓ |
Borel–Weil–Bott theorem |
✓ |
Equiangular spiral drawn in "golden" rectangle (side ratio = golden mean g), ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers... |
✓ |
Singer becomes Atiyah Patodi Singer |
✓ |
Einstein GR eqn |
✓ |
Schrodinger eqn |
✓ |
dirac eqn |
✓ |
Atiyah-singer-theorem |
✓ |
Yang Mills eqns |
✓ |
Einstein mass-energy relation |
✓ |
Maxwell’s eqns |
✓ |
Stoke’s thm |
✓ |
Heisenberg uncertainty relation |
✓ |
associtivity in QFT |
✓ |
Yang Baxter eqn |
✓ |
diagram for black hole |
✓ |
cell decomposition torus, gauss-bonnett |
✓ |
aharonov bohm effect |
✓ |
supergrav lagrangian, E8 root diagram |
✓ |
Kepler’s 2nd law |
✓ |
Newtons force-accel |
✓ |
kepler’s 3rd |
✓ |
newton’s grav |
✓ |
defining relation supersymmetry |
✓ |
the boundary of a boundary is zero |
✓ |
euler zeta function |
✓ |
Interaction between two strings |
✓ |
Jones polynomial |
✓ |
regular polyhedra |
✓ |
Euler characteristic |
✓ |
archimedes volume of sphere |
✓ |
Navier stokes |
✓ |
Bochner Weitzenböck formula |
✓ |
Chern–Weil homomorphism |
✓ |
Quillen connection on the determinant line bundle |
✓ |
Bott periodicity |
✓ |
KO-Theory |
✓ |
K-Theory |
✓ |
Tits-Freudenthal Magic Square |
✓ |
formula for the deformation complex |
✓ |
formula relating Lie, covariant, and exterior derivatives |
✓ |
fundamental theory of Riemannian geometry, done right |
✓ |
recipe for Hamiltonian dynamics |
✓ |
something involving the Pfaffian and Euler class |
✓ |
decomposition of the Riemann curvature tensor |
✓ |
position and momentum operators in geometric quantization |
✓ |
Witten’s morse complex |
✓ |
Fierz identity |
✓ |
Noether's theorem |
✓ |
Dynkin diagrams |
✓ |
Hurewicz homomorphism |
✓ |
Leray-Serre spectral sequence |
✓ |
Torsion tensor |
✓ |
Variation of Action is 0 [math]\displaystyle{ \delta S = 0 }[/math] |
✓ |
Everything stems from here.
Archived Material[edit]
Cam's Expanded Wall Proposal
- A modified and annotated version of the wall is available here. More information can be found on the corresponding subproject page.
- The code for the modified wall animation is available on Github.
Minimalistic Wall Proposal
The following modified version of the Wall only contains equations and figures that are directly relevant for the graph.