When you're handed a file to install on your computer and you want to know whether or not it's been corrupted, you can't read all of the lines of code to find out that they're all in the right place. But there's some consequence of the right lines of code being present called a checksum which you CAN inspect—which is far easier to monitor—and I think that a lot of the questions that you're talking about are: if I can't understand what you're saying ... like, I may not know what a bleeble-e-blop is, but if you said yesterday that they were essential, and if you say today that they're absolutely horrid, I can at least ask you to clarify between your two positions with a zero knowledge orientation relative to what a bleeble-e-blop even is to begin with.
* [[41: Douglas Murray – Heroism 2020: Defense of Our Own Civilization]], approximately 0:42:52.
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checksum Checksum on Wikipedia]