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===The Distributed Idea Suppression Complex (DISC)===
===The Distributed Idea Suppression Complex (DISC)===

00:18:14 The most important ideas are likely to be the ideas that are most disruptive. What if the entire food pyramid for example was wildly off what if fats we're not the great danger. We thought they were and those waving fields of wheat that are fabled an American song. In fact, give rise to carbs which are very dangerous to us all as if everything were inverted. Let's say we're in a world where instead of banishing volatility during the so-called great moderation before 2008. We were actually building the Tinder for the world's largest financial forest fire. What if in fact we had all sorts of things exactly backwards and completely wrong. What if diversity wasn't always a sign of our strength, but sometimes a sign of our weakness what if for example immigration far from being an issue of xenophobes versus Anna files was actually an instrument of redistribution having very little to do with xenophobia or

00:19:14 I feel you to be done with these sorts of ideas can't be entertained inside of the Gated Institutional Narrative. And that's where the gating function comes in. What was originally a function intended to ensure quality control of the narrative became an instrument for something else. And this is where I want to introduce the most important concept that I think we will be dealing with on a going-forward basis in 2020 on this program the DISC. What is the DISC? The DISC stands for the Distributed Idea Suppression Complex.
The most important ideas are likely to be the ideas that are most disruptive. What if the entire food pyramid for example was wildly off what if fats we're not the great danger. We thought they were and those waving fields of wheat that are fabled an American song. In fact, give rise to carbs which are very dangerous to us all as if everything were inverted. Let's say we're in a world where instead of banishing volatility during the so-called great moderation before 2008. We were actually building the Tinder for the world's largest financial forest fire. What if in fact we had all sorts of things exactly backwards and completely wrong. What if diversity wasn't always a sign of our strength, but sometimes a sign of our weakness what if for example immigration far from being an issue of xenophobes versus Anna files was actually an instrument of redistribution having very little to do with xenophobia or

00:19:49 Without taking it apart. The center of it is ideas suppression not all ideas are good. And so idea suppression is very frequently understood as an important concept when we're talking about something like bigotry or were talking about something like violent ideology. Of course, you want to suppress certain 90th, but these are not the ideas that are principally important inside of the disk. The disk is actually a complex. It is a large collection of different structures and it's not controlled in any one place many of these have emerged separately. But what makes a an aspect of the disc what shows you a particular component? Is it a protect institutions?

00:20:36 From individuals who are making valid and reasonable points. So if you imagine that the institutions have become incredibly fragile because they're in fact built for growth and that I plan for their growth if it obligates them to tell untruths and to hide certain characteristics because they are not in fact able to grow at the rates in which they are supposed to
I feel you to be done with these sorts of ideas can't be entertained inside of the Gated Institutional Narrative. And that's where the gating function comes in. What was originally a function intended to ensure quality control of the narrative became an instrument for something else. And this is where I want to introduce the most important concept that I think we will be dealing with on a going-forward basis in 2020 on this program the DISC. What is the DISC? The DISC stands for the Distributed Idea Suppression Complex.

00:21:03 you need some complex for making sure that that information doesn't reach the bottom entrance to a pyramid structure.
Without taking it apart, the center of it is idea suppression. Not all ideas are good. And so idea suppression is very frequently understood as an important concept when we're talking about something like bigotry or were talking about something like violent ideology. Of course, you want to suppress certain 90th, but these are not the ideas that are principally important inside of the disk. The disk is actually a complex. It is a large collection of different structures and it's not controlled in any one place many of these have emerged separately. But what makes a an aspect of the disc what shows you a particular component? Is it a protect institutions?
From individuals who are making valid and reasonable points. So if you imagine that the institutions have become incredibly fragile because they're in fact built for growth and that I plan for their growth if it obligates them to tell untruths and to hide certain characteristics because they are not in fact able to grow at the rates in which they are supposed to
you need some complex for making sure that that information doesn't reach the bottom entrance to a pyramid structure.

00:21:12 Returning sponsor '''SkillShare''' is one of the most popular with the portal audience because we have a lot of stuff teachers out there and skillshare is effectively a university in your pocket. And of course you can think of that you want to take Under the Sun probably has some representation and skillshare through instructors the high quality videos teach you everything in the privacy of your own home. I wanted to test skillshare by giving them something I felt very uncomfortable with namely interior design. I always notice when I'm in it somebody else's home. It isn't just a collection of interesting objects, but it somehow beautifully pulled together. So I came up with a course on the site talk by Emily Henderson called style your space creative tips and techniques for interior design and sure enough. She explains sort of the rigmarole or theory behind pulling a house together visually to create a coherent space. I'm glad I did and it's probably not something I would have been comfortable doing if it wasn't in the privacy of my own home now still shares a proud sponsor the portal so you can explore your creativity at skillshare.com portal and get two free months of Premier membership.

00:22:12 What is two whole months of unlimited access to thousands of their classes for free? So get started to join today by heading to skillshare.com portal for high-quality courses in just about everything. That's skillshare.com. I can do that with skillshare the University of the phone for autodidacts
Returning sponsor '''SkillShare''' is one of the most popular with the portal audience because we have a lot of stuff teachers out there and skillshare is effectively a university in your pocket. And of course you can think of that you want to take Under the Sun probably has some representation and skillshare through instructors the high quality videos teach you everything in the privacy of your own home. I wanted to test skillshare by giving them something I felt very uncomfortable with namely interior design. I always notice when I'm in it somebody else's home. It isn't just a collection of interesting objects, but it somehow beautifully pulled together. So I came up with a course on the site talk by Emily Henderson called style your space creative tips and techniques for interior design and sure enough. She explains sort of the rigmarole or theory behind pulling a house together visually to create a coherent space. I'm glad I did and it's probably not something I would have been comfortable doing if it wasn't in the privacy of my own home now still shares a proud sponsor the portal so you can explore your creativity at skillshare.com portal and get two free months of Premier membership. What is two whole months of unlimited access to thousands of their classes for free? So get started to join today by heading to skillshare.com portal for high-quality courses in just about everything. That's skillshare.com. I can do that with skillshare the University of the phone for autodidacts

with respect a new sponsor Fender play. I'm really curious what took you guys so long. Look I've been playing Fender guitars to Fender amps for 24 years. I'm addicted to your product. You don't send me a Telecaster you send me some relatively tame ad copy or what gives now with Fender play. Yes, you can Master chord songs techniques. You can track your progress in the at blah blah blah. You can share your success you can connect to real teachers, but that's not what's really going on. You need to play and share music with other people in order to fully experience what it's like to be a human being on this planet. We lost chest to the computers. We lost the game of go to the computers but music is still the operating system for the human heart. And if you're going to break some hearts, you're going to need to learn how to play music and it's going to make everybody better off. So we have an incredible deal for our listeners new members can try Fender play free for two weeks and save 50% off a fender play annual plan. The only way they can take advantage of this is to go to fender.com podcast and use the special offer code portal at checkout. It's fender.com podcast using the checkout code portal, but this offer is only available for a limited time, but most importantly you need to get started playing music in order to fully experience what it's like to be a human being and I think this is a great way to do it from one of our best companies.
with respect a new sponsor Fender play. I'm really curious what took you guys so long. Look I've been playing Fender guitars to Fender amps for 24 years. I'm addicted to your product. You don't send me a Telecaster you send me some relatively tame ad copy or what gives now with Fender play. Yes, you can Master chord songs techniques. You can track your progress in the at blah blah blah. You can share your success you can connect to real teachers, but that's not what's really going on. You need to play and share music with other people in order to fully experience what it's like to be a human being on this planet. We lost chest to the computers. We lost the game of go to the computers but music is still the operating system for the human heart. And if you're going to break some hearts, you're going to need to learn how to play music and it's going to make everybody better off. So we have an incredible deal for our listeners new members can try Fender play free for two weeks and save 50% off a fender play annual plan. The only way they can take advantage of this is to go to fender.com podcast and use the special offer code portal at checkout. It's fender.com podcast using the checkout code portal, but this offer is only available for a limited time, but most importantly you need to get started playing music in order to fully experience what it's like to be a human being and I think this is a great way to do it from one of our best companies.