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== On Youtube ==
== On Youtube ==

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== See Also ==
== See Also ==

* [[2024 U.S. Presidential Election]]
* [[President Joe Biden's Cognitive Decline]]
* [[Former President Donald Trump]]
* [[U.S. Presidential Elections]]
* [[The Distributed Idea Suppression Complex (The DISC)]]
* [[The Distributed Idea Suppression Complex (The DISC)]]
* [[Extractive Elite]]
* [[Extractive Elite]]

Revision as of 05:41, 1 July 2024

Eric Weinstein's concept of "Managed Reality™", originally introduced in a thread on Twitter (now X) on February 12, 2021, primarily revolves around the idea that certain authorities or entities manipulate and control the narrative of what is perceived as reality. This concept suggests that these entities create and enforce a version of reality that aligns with their agendas, often leading to the suppression or alteration of information to maintain a specific societal or political status quo.

Eric critiques powerful institutions and the kleptocratic elites within them who manipulate public perception and enforce a consensus to maintain control. This controlled narrative creates a dichotomy where one side spreads unverified conspiracy theories while the other enforces institutional conformity through media and technology. Eric argues that both extremes hinder genuine understanding and critical thinking. He emphasizes the importance of responsible heterodoxy and independent thought, advocating for a middle ground that preserves intellectual integrity and transparency. His personal commitment is to reform institutions from within, promoting critical voices and maintaining a genuine human experience.

Eric's Introduction of the Concept

There really *is* a problem w MAGA, Trump, Qanon & conspiracy theories running rampant. And it will result in death & destruction if it spins out of control.

However it is being fueled by those who claim to fight it.

The entire war over fact checking is a war of 2 low resolution teams.

One team wants absolute freedom to spread wild eyed theories that just about everything is a psyop or a false flag.

The other team wants to impose institutional consensus reality on everyone via media & tech.

Unfortunately, I can’t live under either. So each of the warring parties thinks I’m against them & for the other team. In their mentalities if you aren’t on their simplistic team you are, de facto, working for the other side. There’s no basic concept of *responsible* heterodoxy.

No the Freemasons do not run everything on behalf of pedophile reptilians who faked Sandy Hook with crisis actors.

Yes there are/were conspiracies behind Epstein, H1B, @MSNBC, PPE, climate science, the “Great Moderation”, Great Reset...everywhere institutions want a “consensus”.

Having spent a good portion of my 20s at Harvard, I know *exactly* how this game works. Our betters sit down and try to figure out how to control others behind closed doors. They see themselves as the intrinsically enlightened people who need to do the thinking for all of us.

When they wanted to cut our Social Security payments & raise our taxes they opted to try to change the CPI rather than pass legislation. When they wanted to pay less for scientists they knew to keep *silent* about NSF Labor Shortage claims even though such shortages don’t exist.

These are the folks who tell you “masks don’t work” rather than “save masks for doctors as we forgot to restock them and moved all manufacturing to China like morons”. They will then spin on a dime to tell you “Only bad dumb people don’t wear masks”. This is the worst of Harvard.

So I don’t want Alex Jones and Qanon nor do I want @TwitterSafety, @msnbc and @Harvard. I see them as very different forms of the same thing: people who want to take away our ability to see clearly.

And, I assure you, @Harvard tries to paint anyone it can’t control as dangerous.

So, my belief is that anyone who rejects/questions Davos, Consensus Reality, Institutional Narrative, Public Health Campaigns, High Immigration, Peer Review, Primary Election Coverage, Trust & Safety...will be treated as Alex Jones sooner or Later.

This is Managed Reality™.

I cannot live in Managed Reality™ because I think it defeats the purpose of being a human being. It negates being an American. It abdicates responsibility for our children.

I have defeated Harvard about half the times we have fought. How? Because they just aren’t that good.

Managed Reality™ has a weak spot. It’s not run by our A-team anymore. Fauci isn’t Francis Crick. Biden isn’t Elon. Janet Yellen isn’t Satoshi.

In general, the A-Team is going independent because tech/media/Ed are enforcing way too much conformity through personal destruction.

So why am I worried?

Well, I’ve been trying to save the institutions. It’s probably doomed, but almost no one is trying to do what I do: rescue the institutions from their death spiral by reinserting their critics in positions of prominence (eg Chomsky at MIT).

Hence my fear.

If I were a tech guy I’d retreat into wealth. If I were a professor I’d shut up and collect my salary with job security. If I was a politician or journalist I’d follow the other sheep.

But I’m a science guy, an American and a dad. And I want my kids to have a particular future.

Eric Weinstein on X, February 12, 2021

Conceptual Breakdown

Two Conflicting Forces

One side promotes absolute freedom to spread unverified and often wildly irresponsible conspiracy theories. The other side seeks to enforce a rigid, institutional consensus through media and technology.

Manipulation by Authorities

Institutions and kleptocratic elites control narratives to manage public perception and maintain power. They make decisions behind closed doors, often manipulating facts to fit their agendas.

Examples include misleading information about mask effectiveness during the pandemic and manipulating economic indicators to avoid political fallout.

Consequences of Managed Reality™

This controlled narrative leads to widespread mistrust and prevents genuine understanding. Both extremes (irresponsible "conspiracy theorists" and institutional enforcers) limit the ability to see the truth clearly.

Critique of Institutional Elites

Eric criticizes the intellectual and institutional elites for thinking they know what's best for everyone and controlling information to maintain their power. He highlights the decline in quality and integrity of these elites compared to past generations.

Need for Responsible Heterodoxy

Eric advocates for a responsible middle ground where critical and independent thought is valued without falling into either extreme of unfounded conspiracy or rigid institutional control.

Personal Stance and Efforts

As a scientist and a father, Eric emphasizes the importance of fighting against Managed Reality™ to preserve genuine human experience and integrity. He expresses his commitment to deeply and painfully reforming institutions from within by reintroducing critical voices and independent thought.

On Youtube


More On X

See Also

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