"WILDLY Unhinged" Eric On Terrence Howard's Science (YouTube Content)

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"WILDLY Unhinged" Eric On Terrence Howard's Science
Host(s) Piers Morgan
Guest(s) Eric Weinstein
Brian Keating
Tom Bilyeu
Length 01:36:08
Release Date 11 July 2024
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"WILDLY Unhinged" Eric On Terrence Howard's Science was a discussion with Eric Weinstein hosted by Piers Morgan on the Piers Morgan Uncensored show.


"Trust the science" became the mantra during the pandemic - but now it seems we're living in an age where the likes of Terrence Howard and Candace Owens are trying to debunk it.

Actor Howard recently raised eyebrows when he appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast, claiming he can kill gravity and doesn't believe in the number zero among other outlandish theories.

Piers Morgan speaks to mathematician and physicist Eric Weinstein - who was invited by Rogan to challenge Terrence's theories - before the pair are joined by cosmologist Professor Brian Keating and YouTuber Tom Bilyeu.


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