The Gamesmanship of Money (YouTube Content)

The Gamesmanship of Money was an interview with Eric Weinstein by Robert Breedlove on the "What is Money" show.

The Gamesmanship of Money
Host(s) Robert Breedlove
Guest(s) Eric Weinstein
Length 00:57:33
Release Date 13 December 2021
YouTube Watch
Portal Blog Read
All Appearances


Eric Weinstein joins me for a multi-episode conversation covering mathematics, physics, history, politics, economics, and money.


This content does not yet have an edited transcript. The Portal Group's Transcript Completion Project generates transcripts for content related to Eric Weinstein and The Portal Podcast. If you would like to contribute, contact Aardvark or Brooke on The Portal Group Discord Server for access to this content's machine-generated transcript.