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  It was now 2008. Siela had passed away in 2006, and although I did all I could to get her work out to the world, discussing it, as well as mine at all conferences I participated in, any mention of her work in Wikipedia for example wa constantly shouted down, and any mention of the various elements from my research, also was met with a constant rejection. This in itself began to speak rheims. As all of the speculative works didnt simply hint at a general unification of geometry, they- largely English philsophers such as Roger Bacon for example, were in fact quite explicit, and named reasons for the separation of the disciplines. I became familiar with how non disclosure of the elementary facts that underpinned everything from basic Astronomical studies to Ludwig Wittgenstein's Logic, from the "Laws of Form", by  Spencer Brown, to the principles of Growth and Form by Darcy Wentworth Thompson, and the structural principles of "Art Forms in Nature" by Haeckel, to his monumental works on Histology and speculations on Quasi liquid crystals in his "soul in matter" to the studies in Conchology by Australian scientist and friend Chris Illert, and my investigations on Ultrastructure reseach from the 1960's, leading to my study of Crystallography, all of which informed an awareness of how nondisclosure not only burnt people from the antipodean sphere, who became marginalised, even after the fact of having serious interest expressed from outside of this nation, it show how non disclosure functioned as a binary tool, and how it was so easily exploited by socio-political and religious forces. Behind this research, was my thorough knowledge of the many voices of Post Modern Philosophers on the one hand, and spiritualist from the New Age sphere on the other hand, which now began to make far more sense, as I always felt that they were all intentionally failing to reveal the fact that alchemy informed most of their ideas, and their failure to identify this fact, appeared to me to infer a form of plageristic pomposity. But then, I am a female, not privy to the exclusive circle that males frequent. And this more than anything else, represented an exposure of a Pythagorean social system, where the elevation or reduction of an individual according to the merit of their work, would effectively inform a hidden hand of cultivation, that could have both positive and negative outcomes for any given society, depending on what the objective of that society was. That is, if sucess was measured by financial gain, and the accumulation of patents from the application of natural sciences towards the progression of technologies, or by the merit of one's critical interrogation of the philosophical issues that prevailed in both the sciences, the arts, and mathematics. Indeed, from this standpoint, which is obviously where my heart was at, such merit is considered not just irrelevant, it is abhorrent to those seeking to gain wealth and power beyond reasonable limits.
  It was now 2008. Siela had passed away in 2006, and although I did all I could to get her work out to the world, discussing it, as well as mine at all conferences I participated in, any mention of her work in Wikipedia for example wa constantly shouted down, and any mention of the various elements from my research, also was met with a constant rejection. This in itself began to speak rheims. As all of the speculative works didnt simply hint at a general unification of geometry, they- largely English philsophers such as Roger Bacon for example, were in fact quite explicit, and named reasons for the separation of the disciplines. I became familiar with how non disclosure of the elementary facts that underpinned everything from basic Astronomical studies to Ludwig Wittgenstein's Logic, from the "Laws of Form", by  Spencer Brown, to the principles of Growth and Form by Darcy Wentworth Thompson, and the structural principles of "Art Forms in Nature" by Haeckel, to his monumental works on Histology and speculations on Quasi liquid crystals in his "soul in matter" to the studies in Conchology by Australian scientist and friend Chris Illert, and my investigations on Ultrastructure reseach from the 1960's, leading to my study of Crystallography, all of which informed an awareness of how nondisclosure not only burnt people from the antipodean sphere, who became marginalised, even after the fact of having serious interest expressed from outside of this nation, it show how non disclosure functioned as a binary tool, and how it was so easily exploited by socio-political and religious forces. Behind this research, was my thorough knowledge of the many voices of Post Modern Philosophers on the one hand, and spiritualist from the New Age sphere on the other hand, which now began to make far more sense, as I always felt that they were all intentionally failing to reveal the fact that alchemy informed most of their ideas, and their failure to identify this fact, appeared to me to infer a form of plageristic pomposity. But then, I am a female, not privy to the exclusive circle that males frequent. And this more than anything else, represented an exposure of a Pythagorean social system, where the elevation or reduction of an individual according to the merit of their work, would effectively inform a hidden hand of cultivation, that could have both positive and negative outcomes for any given society, depending on what the objective of that society was. That is, if sucess was measured by financial gain, and the accumulation of patents from the application of natural sciences towards the progression of technologies, or by the merit of one's critical interrogation of the philosophical issues that prevailed in both the sciences, the arts, and mathematics. Indeed, from this standpoint, which is obviously where my heart was at, such merit is considered not just irrelevant, it is abhorrent to those seeking to gain wealth and power beyond reasonable limits.

To be continued tomorrow. As I have lost my library, it will take some time to write this all out off the top of head. I apologise for the numerous spelling mistakes, as there appears to be no spell check here. Here in the antipodeans, Google is the dominant force, which has concealed so much and all of your sites. I have now found them, and am studying as much a I can. Very much enjoyed your discussion with Lissi, but have numerous points that vex me, from both sides of the discourse. It is such a pleasure to listen to such intellects. I hope you dont mind me writing to you in this way, Eric. If so, you now have an email address. Thankyou for your brilliant mind and inspiring work.
= note to eric =
To be continued tomorrow. just watched joe rogan 1945---- Diego Rappaport (recieved a 500 page book of my post doctoral geometry research in 2010, and recently began working with Steven Rosen from Suny who was one of my examiners and hence has my PhD thesis...... he contacted me in 2005 regarding my research hence becoming my examiner. Eric Trell translated sophus lie into English in 1996 another examiner. Stein work with Santilli - Hadron sciences...and Chris illert (6D spacetime conchology research) is assocated with Santilli.....and Peter Rowlands with his universal rewrite system was in attendance in conference with british computer society.... the gemoetry worked out by them and Vanessa Hill, who I dont hear anything about since then, is not fully worked out...... .. Diego has written me out of his work on torsion physics- all of his studies on the kleinbottle came from my research. ...... As I have lost my library, it will take some time to write this all out off the top of head. I apologise for the numerous spelling mistakes, as there appears to be no spell check here. Here in the antipodeans, Google is the dominant force, which has concealed so much and all of your sites. I have now found them, and am studying as much a I can. Very much enjoyed your discussion with Lissi, but have numerous points that vex me, from both sides of the discourse. It is such a pleasure to listen to such intellects. I hope you dont mind me writing to you in this way, Eric. If so, you now have an email address. Thankyou for your brilliant mind and inspiring work.