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Knowledge is commonly thought to empower the individual. Knowledge is power. But what happens when the means of increasing one's power and wealth, is determined by the intentional cultivation of general ignorance in the greater number. What happens when the process of cultivating general ignorance, for the purpose of cultivating wealth and power beyond limit, threatens to destroy not only the integrity of the knowledge system itself, the potential for those who hold power to be completely disenfranchised themselves from the highest degree that the knowledge system can apsire towards, to also be those who actively engage in cultivating a general ignorance in the greater number, threatens the destruction of the knowledge system and informs the greater threat of the destruction of the species itself.
I believe we are engaged in such a period today. After only a few generations of running a system to the point that the degree of ignorance in the greater number is maintained, the loss of knowledge itself, can be profound.
Let's consider the shift in our knowledge system, after many decades of global warfare, from the progression of our technological tools used to indicate phenomenal information, meaning the progression of the technological gnomon, it was recognised that the structural attributes of material chemistry, not only applied to organic chemistry, the geometrical principles formalised by individuals like Rene Hauys, were applicable to the entire fabric of materials, both organic, and mineral. This was an astrounding fact that underpinned "ultrastructure research" in the early 1960's/ .
Imagine a community knows nothing of the camera effect of light, as it passes through a tiny, almost invisible aperture. One could appear to have magical or God like powers by simply addressing the approach of individual prior to knock on the door of your room, as within the darkness of your private quarters, (camera) , the inverse moving image of the outside world, is projected upon the internal membrane of the room. From the tiny pinhole in the fabric of the walls that face the north in the southern hemisphere or south in the northern hemisphere, one can see that all that is occurring in the outside domain. If everyone new of this effect, noone could exploit it for the purpose of appearing to have supernatural powers.
The external reality is projected inside out and upside down, on the internal walls of the room. The nature of this transformation is a 180 degree Moebius transformation. This most extraordinary aspect of light, grants us access into the intelligibility of one of the greatest mysteries of light, and spacetime reality.
There is no technology to this magical reality that is the camera. It is naturally occurring and self revealing. Only a minute rupture of the otherwise continuous fabric of the room or box or solid form that conceals an internal domain, permits access to this wondrous experience. Yet from the most basic representation of the natural effect, to the most complex of technolgies that record the signature record, we, the participant in actual reality, become further removed from the elementary principles that inform actual reality.
All magical tricks demand that the "trade secret" be kept, as without this code of honour, the magic and seemingly supernatural power that is increased in the cultivation of the generalĀ  ignorance of the observer or participant, simply vanishes when the illusion is exposed.
If a business seeks to maintain the leading edge, in order to rise amongst its competitors, concealing the recipe that makes its products unique, is an essential strategy thatĀ  ensures not just its survival, but also its potential to increase wealth and power, beyond the limits of its competitors.
Now consider a heirarchical and militarised empire, where all members are conditionally contracted to defend and protect the social structure that it is born in to, where any and all percieved threats are generally considered to come largely from external sources, but eventually over time, through the failure to support a certain degree of transparency, due to the percieved neccessirt to maintain the principle of non disclosure, the threat to the state, flourishes as tyrannical forces emergent from within the social sphere itself. For all intents and purposes, the potential to create a paradigmatic shift, while maintaining control over the
As the defence and protection of this social structure demands the utilisation of the greatest products, desgins and insights, that increase and progress the technologies of armaments, transportation, and communication, it is imperative that the information exploited remains largely unknown in the greater number. The necessary evil concerns us with the constant hegemonic separation at the cutting edge, of that which serves the protection and defence of the system. As such, the history of arms, communications, and transportation, exposes the progression of a long lineage of at the base of which is self revealing and naturally occurring information that is accessible to those willing to investigate both its inherent appearance, and all that is intelligible, that leads to counter intuitive conclusions regarding actual reailty.
This is dilemma that I believe we are facing today. With every provision that is by neccessity a gift that enhances and supports the study of natural sciences, the potential for this provision to further remove us from the information which underpins the necesssity of its provision,Ā  constitutes at once the greatest threat to the knowledge system, and indeed,
The first principles of Astronomy, are based on the topological study of the site, conducted in the broard light of day, using a gnomic indicator (a gnomon is any technological device that is either naturally occurring, or man made, that enables the indication of a signature record).
The first principles of Astronomy, are based on the topological study of the site, conducted in the broard light of day, using a gnomic indicator (a gnomon is any technological device that is either naturally occurring, or man made, that enables the indication of a signature record).
From this primary study, the records of the sun's shadow, traced through space over time, provide the visual mapping of the othographic projection of actual daily and annular cycles.
From this primary study, the records of the sun's shadow, traced through space over time, provide the visual mapping of the othographic projection of actual daily and annular cycles.