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Additionally this was returned to by Lissi, which presupposes the lesser object known as the "seed" and "flower of life", which refers to a template employed by neccessity, by the Ancient Egyptians, for the purpose of supporting the more precise ruling of lines in the outer regions of the matrix construction, as it was applied in the act of "rope stretching", for the purpose of underpinning precise foundations for architectural constructions.  
Additionally this was returned to by Lissi, which presupposes the lesser object known as the "seed" and "flower of life", hence refers to a template employed by neccessity, by the Ancient Egyptians, for the purpose of supporting the more precise ruling of lines in the outer regions of the matrix construction, as it was applied in the act of "rope stretching", for the purpose of underpinning precise foundations for architectural constructions.  

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There are a number of permutations of the Kleinbottle. The most common, or classic figure of the Kleinbottle is discussed in various volumes of Carl Gustave Jung's work on Alchemy, and as Jung described, is a reiteration of both the Pelican Flask of the Ancient Alchemists, and its resonance with the iconic and mystical symbol known as the Pelican Christus. Another, far less known, is related to an altogether different, yet mystical structure known as the "Purse of Futunatus".
There are a number of permutations of the Kleinbottle. The most common, or classic figure of the Kleinbottle is discussed in various volumes of Carl Gustave Jung's work on Alchemy, and as Jung described, is a reiteration of both the Pelican Flask of the Ancient Alchemists, and its resonance with the iconic and mystical symbol known as the Pelican Christus. Another, far less known, is related to an altogether different, yet mystical structure known as the "Purse of Futunatus".

After writing a Masters of Fine Arts Thesis on Alchemy and the Creative Process, called "A Point in Time As We Create The Future.", I was vexxed by the issue of antithetical relations, dialectics, and the potential to reconcile apparent extreme opositions which tend towards a point of similarity. Indicating antithetical relations in a manner that presupposes a common center, appeared to me constitute a far too simplistic structure. Whilst I had a significant knowledge regarding Alchemical structures, narratives, signs and symbols, I did not have have the means of comprehending the underlying relations between the two dominant structure figures, commonly known as the Pelican Christus and Oroborean Ring, or snake eating its tail.  
I had been introduced to Quantum Physics, while attending a very ordinarty high school, out in the country, where my phyiscs teacher litterally threw out the text book, and taught both quantum physics, and the history of primary cosmological studies which focussed on Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler and Newton. At the same school, important questions asked of Maths teachers, fell on dull minds whose response to use the tool of public humiliation against me, arguing that I was much smarter than the question asked. The question concerned the limited definition of a point, as something that has zero dimension. How can a line be constructed with points that have zero dimension? how can a plane be constructed from lines and points with zero dimension? Naturally, one could have simply opened a dictionary, and showed the many definitions of the term point, or they could have told us the convention was confined to vector geometry, or indeed they could have returned to Euclid's glossary of terms, and his atomistic world view, and begun a narrative regarding topological transformations, extensions and so on. These studies would become higly significant, in the period after I had completed my PhD. The limitation of education in this field, I would realise later in life, was highly compromised from 1962, by a utilitarian eucation system that intentionally served the interests of corporate industries, acknowledging these in the front pages of all textbooks: BHP, Riotinto, Kraft Foods, Nestle, Alco, etc. This included the only textbook of the "structural foundations of Chemistry" relevant to material sciences, at a time when biology was compromised by the "web of life" and simplistic notions regarding information and systems theory. It was not only maths and biology that were heavily compromised. No textbooks on organic chemistry were ever provided to the Australian public from 1962 on. This date is significant to the instantiation of the UNESCO program, and the investment by America, in all things to do with Information and Communications, in Australia, as they ended the public program of super computing, that was well developed here, leading to the abandonment of research that had resulted in the creation of CSIRAC. Public humiliation also came from English teachers, yelling at me, "there will never be another Einstein". I cant remember what I had said to get this response, but it was a deafening echoe in my ear, that would remain as a recurrent notion that spoke more of formal constraints and idiocy than anything else. So this one physics teacher, provided an intellectual refuge. As it was country school, the teachers which mattered to me, all lived on a farm in shared accomodation. Often, we spent weekends struggling intellectually, with really big issues. As it was uncommon for "professional" parents to send their teenage children to the local school, and as I had come from "private" school in the city, and being from an immigrant British famil, spoke with a posh voice, the humiliation would extend to my peers, and hence there were not many people that I could relate to.  Besides Physics, my passion was Music and fine Art.
It was from this influence and the knowledge that psychology and social sciences at the time, were both limited to "rats and stats", that made me naively think that it would only be Art school where I could further my interests in consciousness studies and ideas regarding reality. But in this environment, where one would expect a certain degree of freedom to think, to act, to be, it could not have been further from the truth. I was a prolific artist, and was passionate about theretical studies. My work though, was considered to be intimidating to those who held conservative points of view, and I was commonly reprimanded particularly for my performance work, and specifically over a complex piece called "A Prayer for Change". Australia was dominated by Mysogeny and Racism. Few woman excaped serious trauma. The politics of the 1970's appeared to have broken the spell of the penal colony, its inherent corruption, its exploitation of all as resource, and failure to defend or protect anything of cultural significance. The hidden hands who worked behind the scences that were held by relatively ignorant and highly religious governing agencies, or conversely, brutish sceptics who acted like intellectual thugs, and served the interests of creating work for the actively dumbed down masses, were, due to the level of ignorance in play, overt in their manipulations, waged through steering committees.
After writing a Masters of Fine Arts Thesis on Alchemy and the Creative Process, called "A Point in Time As We Create The Future.", I was vexxed by the issue of antithetical relations, dialectics, and the potential to reconcile apparent extreme opositions which tend towards a point of similarity. Indicating antithetical relations in a manner that presupposes a common center, appeared to me to constitute a far too simplistic structure. What happens when extreme and opposite standpoints, verge upon a point of similarity? Whilst I had a significant knowledge regarding alchemical structures, religious and esoteric narratives, signs and symbols, I did not have have the means of comprehending the underlying relations between the two dominant structure figures, commonly known as the Pelican Christus and Oroborean Ring, or snake eating its tail.  

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The common models which flourished in the Middle ages and beyond, employed by both Raymond Llull and Leibniz, exploited the classic division of the circle, primarily into 12 parts, and variations on this theme, leading to divisions of numerous equally proportioned segments, which included various combinations of such wheels, as in the work of Llull. This is not unlike a classic cololur wheel, which is also related to the 12 half tones of the musical octave. The primary motivation for the use of these models by both Llul and Leibniz, was to create some form of rigorous proof for the concept of God.
The common models which flourished in the Middle ages and beyond, employed by both Raymond Llull and Leibniz, exploited the classic division of the circle, primarily into 12 parts, and variations on this theme, leading to divisions of numerous equally proportioned segments, which included various combinations of such wheels, as in the work of Llull. This is not unlike a classic cololur wheel, which is also related to the 12 half tones of the musical octave. The primary motivation for the use of these models by both Llul and Leibniz, was to create some form of rigorous proof for the concept of God. This is of great importance today, as the subject of topology, which by definition means the study of the site, has become highly compromised particularly in the pages of wikipedia, and work of Tom Ritchy, from the Swedish Morphological Society, by the linear ideation of the history of the computer, traced from Fritz Zwicky, back to Leibniz, to Ramon Llul, and on to the mysticism of neo Platonic and New Pythagorean notions, all apparently without any significant interrogation of mysticism and the veil it creates over what Roger Bacon referred to as the primary Unity, which by necessity was divided according to the disciplines, for fear of social instability. Further issues from wikipedia, is the attempted instantiation of "Matheamtical Idealism", as a means of providing a foundation for Nanoscale technologies, and the concept of the Quantum Dot, which does in fact have dimension and existential status, whilst technically considered to have zero dimensions. It is important to note here, that the foundations of interests in the properties of Graphite, ground to extremely fine pointlike particles, was directly influenced by the exceptional work of Joyce Hinterding, an artist, peer and friend of mine, who in the 1980's created electric curcuits from images drawn with graphite pencils, and would spend a significant time as artist in residence to a European corporation interested in developing materials with super conductive properties, the details of which I do not have at the moment. Many artists who think outside the box, have enabled not only technological progress, but have also been significant players in introducing the general public to relatively wild ideas. Stelarc is another of many Australians, who in pushing the boundaries of limitations in both art and science, have served the world of science and technology in a way that is generally poorly understood.  Rather, the project of Art Science, in Australia, has remained entirely compromised by the celebration of individuals like Robert Pope.

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Additionally the means through which an astrological wheel is constructed, preserved the integrity of the geometrical method which can be seen in the two circle model used by Copernicus; discussed in Plato's Timaeus from the standpoint of a process of reverse engineering what the "artificer" had done; discussed in Vitruvius with regards to the construction of a sun dial, whose model is directly employed by Ptolemy  
In terms of the formalisation of Science and Mathematics, we only have to look at the introduction to Isaac Newton's Principia, to find the overarching constraints underpinned by the work of Pappus the Alexandrian, and his insistance that there be 5 primary forces the first of which is Gravity. At a time when the generalised notion of cosmology was heavily compromised by the flat motionless earth perspective, such a quest has remained, as the singular dominant program that persists to this day. Along with the quest to work out the Delian Oracle, being the squaring of the circle, the doubling of the cube and the trisection of an angle, all of which is underpinned by the ancient system of geometry to which Plato's Timaeus represents the first attempt to expose the difference between the true model and the copy, as in his Timaeus. Written at a time of serious social destabilisation, and the rise of tyranny, this book was written with the idealistic hope that one could in fact restore what had been done to the model itself, which was described as a process of reverese engineering - or the noting of what elements had been removed, and what had happened in the separation of the two circles ( ( ) ) -> OO. "If that which is true is blasphemous then it is to the copy that artificer looks." The separation of the non dual attributes of Plato monadic dialectics, to binary terms, treated as absolutes in and of themselves, indeed as the relation between Light and its Absence or Void, is at the core of problems which result in unresolvable fatal paradoxes. This is further impacted upon with the instantiation of the big bang model, the instantiation of the cipher zero, and void, and quest to find infinite dimensions, all of which was supported by the novel narrative of Flatlands: A romance in many dimensions, which established Vector Geometries, rather than a topologically coherent expansion of Geometry and Mathematics, as was occurring with the work of Poincare and Felix Klein..... all of this was superceded by the heir apparent to Kleins fallen mantel, David Hilbert and his rejection of the work of Hauys, that would return in the 1960's, with fischer projections, as the underpinning to organic chemstry. Rather than the work of Huays, Hilbert celebrated the more contemporary work of Bravais, and his 7 fold categorical system that sorted the various shapes and forms underpinned by studies in material sciences.  This exposes the fixation with the Pythagorean Cube of 216 lines, referenced in Vitruvius.
even though both he and Copernicus preferred to underpin their astronomical studies with the technological tool of the Astrolabe, is reconstructed in the image below, through the inclusion of the method of rulings pertaining to the complex isometric matrix.  
From the geocentric standpoint, the forward and backward motions of the planets epicycles, and the epicycle of the Sun, was imposed upon with the qualitative notions that affirmed the retrograde motions being "evil" or having negative influences. This informed the mysticism of Astrology. And whilst this speculative tradition empowered those individuals who granted divinations of the future, to powerful players, the means through which an astrological wheel is constructed, preserved the integrity of the geometrical method which can be seen in the two circle model used by Copernicus; which conforms with the structure discussed in Plato's Timaeus from the standpoint of a process of reverse engineering what the "artificer" had done; discussed in Vitruvius with regards to the construction of a sun dial, of whose model is directly employed by Ptolemy in his work on the Analemma, even though both he and Copernicus preferred to underpin their astronomical studies with the technological tool of the Astrolabe. This model and its workings is reconstructed in the image below, through the inclusion of the method of rulings pertaining to the complex isometric matrix. Whilst Copernicus stresses that the work which informs his perspective of the one and same system, utilising the one and same model, does NOT rest on the solstices and equinoxes, and hence infers a strong division between the geometry arising from the model of the analemma, and the astrolabe, we can only speculated on the reasoning behind this. The formalisation of the mechanistic lineage of scientific progress, coupled to the generalisation of the elements of mathematical interest, and the utility of ciphers, zero and infinity, which each embody structural attributes of the daily and annular cycles, and preference of referencing work from only the former decade, has influenced the past 150 years of research, as if progress is likened to "Jacobs Ladder" with the desire to reach the "one mind" technological singularity in the Noosphere of DeChardins musings, as a means of not just being able to act as if a god, but making God, in AI.  

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It was the end of 1993, and I had twin boys aged about 6 months old. I was so deeply affected- moved- enthused and excited by Shiela's demonstration of the motion inherent in her models, that I rang my partner to say I was not coming home, at least for some time as I had to stay and speak with this exceptional woman.
It was the end of 1993, and I had twin boys aged about 6 months old. I was so deeply affected- moved- enthused and excited by Shiela's demonstration of the motion inherent in her models, that I rang my partner to say I was not coming home, at least for some time as I had to stay and speak with this exceptional woman.

After waiting for the majority of people from the audience to leave, I went up to Shiela, and tried to hold back my tears as I gushed out these words: "Shiela, you have created the Mercurious. It unifies the Pelican Christus and the Oroborus. Its extraordinary." This would be the beginning of an wonderful decade, and both of us consider each of our work to be likened to two sides of the one coin. Hers, continuing with the formal lineage of explorations in apparently "higher dimensional" spacetime structures, which began with her study of the 1976 publication of Australian Philosopher and humanist Graham Nerllich's  "The Shape of Space". Coming from a Fine Arts background, and having studied Alchemy from the work of Carl Jung, Robert Hargraves, Silbere, Kircher, and more, as well as being fully cognisant of Theosophical, Anthroposophical, Rosecrucian, Platonic, Neo Platonic, Neo Pythagorean and mystical works that flourished throughout the middle ages, and from the anals of speculative philosophy, all of which underpinned my research interest since 1978, which continued with  the American school of Popular New Physics publications, my world view was, at the time, leaning heavily towards an antirealist standpoint. It is the rejection of this specific standpoint that occurred to me after I persisted in seeking to comprehend whether or not there were any real geometrical foundations that could underpin the natural sciences, as I finally began to understood that many including myself, generally mistook the Veil of Mysticism, for the things that this veil concealed. This was a somewhat terrifying realisation.
After waiting for the majority of people from the audience to leave, I went up to Shiela, and tried to hold back my tears as I gushed out these words: "Shiela, you have created the Mercurious. It unifies the Pelican Christus and the Oroborus. Its extraordinary." To her astonishment, she turned to me and being much older and wiser, said "my dear, I have no idea what you are talking about". This would be the beginning of a wonderful decade, and both of us consider each of our work to be likened to two sides of the one coin. Shiela was  continuing with the formal lineage of explorations in apparently "higher dimensional" spacetime structures, which began with her study of the 1976 publication of Australian Philosopher and humanist Graham Nerllich's  "The Shape of Space". By passing the neck of the woven kleinbottle through the weave of the body, she was transcending the limitations of the genearlised view that this figure was an "ideal" form that could not be played with as the singularity where the neck passed through the body, was a zero point at the neck, and a zero point in the location of its passing though itself.
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As a spinner, she was facinated by the way an over spun thread doubled upon itself, and if the over spinning continued, entirely new and complex structures would form, exhibiting at first a bundling of the thread, and then a stable spiralisation of overspun thread.
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The provision of these images of Shiela's reseach, only show a small fraction of the studies that she was engaged with. She worked largely on her own, unencumbered by the constraints of a university affiliation, and would often give talks to the Philosophy Department, overseen by Clifford Hooker. Between 1994 and 2006 when she died, I worked closely with her, photographing her models and illustrating many of her studies. I typed her hand written notes, and the body her work is now located in the Museum of Science and Technology. The only presentation that she gave in person, outside of the Philosophy Department of Newcastle University which now does not exist in any way shape or form, was to the Biannula International Conference on Philosophy, Science and Theology, held in Grafton NSW, in 2005. This conference, governed by Howie Firth of the Orkney Science Festival, and David Scott, former Vice Chanellor of Amhurst Massechusets, continued through the period of the first decade of the millenium, and all proceedings and any trace of its records does not exist. I participated in this conference from its inception, and also participated in the 2001 Orkney Science Festival.

My side of the coin so to speak, investigated the shape form and function of the largely unknown Kleinbottle commonly referred to as the  "Purse of Fortunatus", the history of which is echoed throughout the history of knowledge. It is this work, and the championing of Shiela Morgans research, and that of Australian scientist Chris Illert, that informed by Phd Thesis, Titled "Towards a New E.R.A.: Epistemological Resolution Analysis, by and through the Kleinbottle and Transdisciplinary Education. This thesis was completed in 2006, and was examined by Eric Trell from Swedon, Stein Eric Johansen from Trondheim University of Technology Norway, and philosopher to the Institute of Basic Research Florida, USA., and Steven M Rosen from SUNY, USA.  
My side of the coin so to speak, investigated the shape form and function of the largely unknown Kleinbottle commonly referred to as the  "Purse of Fortunatus", the history of which is echoed throughout the history of knowledge. It is this work, and the championing of Shiela Morgans research, and that of Australian scientist Chris Illert, that informed by Phd Thesis, Titled "Towards a New E.R.A.: Epistemological Resolution Analysis, by and through the Kleinbottle and Transdisciplinary Education. This thesis was completed in 2006, and was examined by Eric Trell from Swedon, Stein Eric Johansen from Trondheim University of Technology Norway, and philosopher to the Institute of Basic Research Florida, USA., and Steven M Rosen from SUNY, USA.  
Coming from a Fine Arts background, and having studied Alchemy from the work of Carl Jung, Robert Hargraves, Silberer, Kircher, and more, as well as being fully cognisant of Theosophical, Anthroposophical, Rosecrucian, Platonic, Neo Platonic, Neo Pythagorean and mystical works that flourished throughout the middle ages, informing the anals of speculative philosophy, all of which underpinned my research interest since 1978, which continued with my interest in the American school of Popular New Physics publications, throughout the 1980's and 1990's, at which point, and from the quick uptake of interest in systems theory, and the commercial sphere of the internet, access to such publications dimished, and the process of expunging physical books from university libraries began. From these influences my world view was, at the time, leaning heavily towards an antirealist standpoint, which was deeply conflicted with the results of my research throughout the 1990's. My study of the Purse of Fortunatus, and Moebius strip, of the work of Shiela Morgan, also covered my exploration of Einstein's interest in Theosophy, and shift later in life, towards an investigation of the Kaluza Klein hypothesis, and of David Bohms concept of the Implicate /Explicate order and holonomic studies amongst others. It had led to my research being identified from early published papers regarding the relations between Infinity and Zero, the technical singularity and the work of Morgan, by Steven M Rosen and Stein Johanson. Having already written numerous papers surveying Ancient Greek Philosophy and Science, and my ideas regarding the need for a more adequate Epistemology than that which is defined in the work of Leibniz and Llul, hence, the dire neccessity for a less "siloed" structure in service to transdisciplinary education, both Johanson and Rosen saw in this work, a common ground with theirs. This also opened my perspective to the work of Johanson, Rosen and Eric Trell, which in turn, introduced my to the work of Ruggero Santilli, and Chris Illert and his partner, Daniella Ribivera, whose sudies in conchology and growth forms of plants and various organic structures, enhanced my knowledge of the work in histology, growth forms in nature, and speculations of the soul in matter, as given by  Earnst Haeckel, as did my research and that of Shiela Morgan into the Kleinbottle and Moebius strip, enhance his understanding which had been significantly drawn from occult and alchemical literature. As Illert's studies also included his "Alchemy Today: Platonic Geometries in Nuclear Physics, and speculations on "Star Gate Physics", the Kleinbottle informed two standpoints - one, from the classic structure, appeared to me to be a perfect model that discribed the nature of paradigm shifts, between two perspectives of one system, as identified in the motion of its structural form. Alternatively, the Purse of Fortunatus, informed potential for a unity of sorts that was not fully realised until my post doctoral research.
Whilst my Phd thesis concluded that the Purse of Fortunatus model of the single handed chirality Kleinbottle, was not only a figure that could be traced as my research showed, right through the history of Sciences and Speculative philosophy, it inferred a topologically coherent model of the way light gyrated on the surface of the planet due to the planets rotation about its tilted axis, and orbit of the Sun, hence informing the helical signature embodied in the micrographs of DNA structures, provided by Rosalind Franklin. But I was vexxed by the need to comprehend whether or not there were any real geometrical foundations, beyond the work of Gauss, and his speculations on a method to find Pi, from working off a square lattice, and beyond David Hilbert, and additionally beyond the "eightfold eightfold way" informed by Sophus Lie's transformational geometrics as underpinned by the work of Eric Trell. What was missing? What was the difference bewteen the conclusion arising from the work of Sophus Lie, and that arising from the work of Chris illert, as it inferred either many dimensions, or 6D spacetime. The 8 pointed star polyhedra, the Ancient Egyptian study of the squaring of the circle, and the platonic structure of 8 star formed from the coupling of two tetrahedrons, would find resolution in the my recent interrogation of the Pythagoran Cube, and the inferrences drawn it. I needs to find more than an arbitrary geometrical base, as is common from those influenced by the various permutations embodied in speculations on the subject of "sacred geometry".
This was a neccessity that could underpin the natural sciences with more rigour than that which was inferred by the various texts from the speculative tradition, for without more than arbitrary models, both natural science and natural law remained without adequate foundations. This work began after the completion of my PhD, in 2006, and was underpinned by my quest to comprehend the link bewteen the Kleinbottle and moebius strip, so called higherdimensional structures such as the hypercube or tesseract, or of Diophantine whole-number cells, or Penroses polynominoes. Key to this was the rejection of vector geometries as merely a techincality, and a return to the investigation of elementary Astronomical foundations, and in turn, of more utilitarian and axiomatic systems as given by Euclid and Descarte where the  "space cube", began to take shape, as that which is underpinned by the Hyperbolic arcs of daily time, and ratios of day to night. I finally began to understood that many including myself, generally mistook the Veil of Mysticism, for the things that this veil concealed. This was a somewhat terrifying realisation. From 2008, when this connection was fully realised in the study of the structure inherent in Stone henge, my need understand the science of Ancient Egypt, led to serious research into philological studies, and a deep dive into Ancient Egyptian Heirglyphs from the standpoint of this geometrical perspective underpinned by the two circle model. What I realised was that without this understanding, Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphs were themselves relatively obscured. Marshall Clagetts 4 volumes of Ancient Egyptian science, as well as the work of numerous others coupled to my geometrical analysis, has led to a more complete comprehension of Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphs and the permutations of these over time, as the political system of the twin lands, remained relatively stable, until the incursion of external forces from the middle kingdoms on, which eventually completely undermined its potential to survive.

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It was now 2008. Siela had passed away in 2006, and although I did all I could to get her work out to the world, discussing it, as well as mine at all conferences I participated in, any mention of her work in Wikipedia for example wa constantly shouted down, and any mention of the various elements from my research, also was met with a constant rejection. This in itself began to speak rheims. As all of the speculative works didnt simply hint at a general unification of geometry, they- largely English philsophers such as Roger Bacon for example, were in fact quite explicit, and named reasons for the separation of the disciplines. I became familiar with how non disclosure of the elementary facts that underpinned everything from basic Astronomical studies to Ludwig Wittgenstein's Logic, from the "Laws of Form", by  Spencer Brown, to the principles of Growth and Form by Darcy Wentworth Thompson, and the structural principles of "Art Forms in Nature" by Haeckel, to his monumental works on Histology and speculations on Quasi liquid crystals in his "soul in matter" to the studies in Conchology by Australian scientist and friend Chris Illert, and my investigations on Ultrastructure reseach from the 1960's, leading to my study of Crystallography, all of which informed an awareness of how nondisclosure not only burnt people from the antipodean sphere, who became marginalised, even after the fact of having serious interest expressed from outside of this nation, it show how non disclosure functioned as a binary tool, and how it was so easily exploited by socio-political and religious forces. Behind this research, was my thorough knowledge of the many voices of Post Modern Philosophers on the one hand, and spiritualist from the New Age sphere on the other hand, which now began to make far more sense, as I always felt that they were all intentionally failing to reveal the fact that alchemy informed most of their ideas, and their failure to identify this fact, appeared to me to infer a form of plageristic pomposity. But then, I am a female, not privy to the exclusive circle that males frequent. And this more than anything else, represented an exposure of a Pythagorean social system, where the elevation or reduction of an individual according to the merit of their work, would effectively inform a hidden hand of cultivation, that could have both positive and negative outcomes for any given society, depending on what the objective of that society was. That is, if sucess was measured by financial gain, and the accumulation of patents from the application of natural sciences towards the progression of technologies, or by the merit of one's critical interrogation of the philosophical issues that prevailed in both the sciences, the arts, and mathematics. Indeed, from this standpoint, which is obviously where my heart was at, such merit is considered not just irrelevant, it is abhorrent to those seeking to gain wealth and power beyond reasonable limits.
Siela and my father both had passed away in 2006, and although I did all I could to get her work out to the world, discussing it, as well as mine at all conferences I participated in, any mention of her work in Wikipedia for example wa constantly shouted down, and any mention of the various elements from my research, also was met with a constant rejection. This in itself began to speak rheims. As all of the speculative works didnt simply hint at a general unification of geometry, they- largely English philsophers such as Roger Bacon for example, were in fact quite explicit, and named reasons for the separation of the disciplines.  

= note to eric =
= note to eric =

To be continued tomorrow. just watched joe rogan 1945---- Diego Rappaport (recieved a 500 page book of my post doctoral geometry research in 2010, and recently began working with Steven Rosen from Suny who was one of my examiners and hence has my PhD thesis...... he contacted me in 2005 regarding my research hence becoming my examiner. Eric Trell translated sophus lie into English in 1996 another examiner. Stein work with Santilli - Hadron sciences...and Chris illert (6D spacetime conchology research) is assocated with Santilli.....and Peter Rowlands with his universal rewrite system was in attendance in conference with british computer society.... the gemoetry worked out by them and Vanessa Hill, who I dont hear anything about since then, is not fully worked out...... .. Diego has written me out of his work on torsion physics- all of his studies on the kleinbottle came from my research. ...... As I have lost my library, it will take some time to write this all out off the top of head. I apologise for the numerous spelling mistakes, as there appears to be no spell check here. Here in the antipodeans, Google is the dominant force, which has concealed so much and all of your sites. I have now found them, and am studying as much a I can. Very much enjoyed your discussion with Lissi, but have numerous points that vex me, from both sides of the discourse. It is such a pleasure to listen to such intellects. I hope you dont mind me writing to you in this way, Eric. If so, you now have an email address. Thankyou for your brilliant mind and inspiring work.
To be continued tomorrow. just watched joe rogan 1945---- Diego Rappaport (recieved a 500 page book of my post doctoral geometry research in 2010, and recently began working with Steven Rosen from Suny who was one of my examiners and hence has my PhD thesis...... he contacted me in 2005 regarding my research hence becoming my examiner. Eric Trell translated sophus lie into English in 1996 another examiner. Stein work with Santilli - Hadron sciences...and Chris illert (6D spacetime conchology research) is assocated with Santilli.....and Peter Rowlands with his universal rewrite system was in attendance in conference with british computer society.... the gemoetry worked out by them and Vanessa Hill, who I dont hear anything about since then, is not fully worked out...... .. Diego has written me out of his work on torsion physics- all of his studies on the kleinbottle came from my research. ...... As I have lost my library, it will take some time to write this all out off the top of head. I apologise for the numerous spelling mistakes, as there appears to be no spell check here. Here in the antipodeans, Google is the dominant force, which has concealed so much and all of your sites. I have now found them, and am studying as much a I can. Very much enjoyed your discussion with Lissi, but have numerous points that vex me, from both sides of the discourse. It is such a pleasure to listen to such intellects. I hope you dont mind me writing to you in this way, Eric. If so, you now have an email address. Thankyou for your brilliant mind and inspiring work.