Streisand Squeeze

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The "Streisand Squeeze" is a strategic tactic conceptualized by Eric Weinstein, introduced in a Twitter thread on April 28, 2021. This concept builds on the "Streisand Effect"—a term derived from an incident involving Barbra Streisand, where efforts to suppress information inadvertently led to its wider dissemination. Unlike the unintentional effect, the Streisand Squeeze involves deliberately engaging public figures or entities to provoke a response, thereby manipulating their audience to focus on a specific issue or narrative. This method incorporates elements of media manipulation, signal boosting, and social engineering, and is applicable in various contexts including marketing, politics, and activism. Ethically, the Streisand Squeeze raises concerns due to its manipulative nature, as it can exploit public discourse and personal reputations for potentially self-serving ends.

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