Quest Board

A quick way into The Portal Group Discord server is contribution. Here are things we need help with.


Helpful Tasks

This is the spot for those who don't have expertise in STEM, or are busy with life, but still want to help us. Whether you have only 5 minutes or unlimited time and energy, you can help us and the community.

Explore and Catalog

Transcript Editing

Wiki Editing
  • Write a strong, one-sentence description of ideas on their wiki pages
  • Rewrite disorganized pages on the wiki
  • Build out pages that are stubs (underdeveloped).


Help to retell the story of our sciences to new generations of students

  • Read
  • Make a visualization from calculations in what you've read


  • Request visualizations of principles or constructions
  • Outline sequences of thought to reach a particular idea


  • Write pages on hard physical problems independent of mathematics


  • Onboarding to CAD for mechanical engineering (elasticity and fluid sims)
  • Affordable projects/kit concepts to understand physics principles in engineering
  • Contribute to realizable engineering challenge ideas to improve our world

Computing Science


Build a useful piece of software.

Data Visualization (d3-js, chart-js, p5-js)

Discord Bots (JavaScript)

  • Discord Pin Archive + Management Bot
  • Bot that cross posts from Eric's Instagram to the server
  • Bot that relays messages across servers

Instragram Bots

  • Bot that cross posts from Eric's Instagram to the server


Twitter Bots

  • Twitter Archival Bot
  • Twitter Bot that responds to tweets from Eric containing keywords with wiki articles.

Be Creative

Show us what you got!


  • Learn a silly or fun drinking song, and record yourself playing or singing it, preferably with friends from The Portal
  • Make a song that incorporates the podcast's music

Visual Art


  • Write an essay, blog post, or twitter thread on a topic covered on The Portal.