
Pretty pictures version of Read.


Fill in Gaps

Basic Mathematics

Review of arithmetic, basic algegra, trigonemetry, and geometry by Serge Lang.


Introduction to Calculus by Tom Apostol.

Road to Differential Geometry and Physics

Sets for Mathematics

Categorical approach to set theory by F. William Lawvere. Backbone reference: Set Theory and Metric Spaces by Kaplansky, Foundations of Analysis by Edmund Landau.

Linear Algebra

Linear Algabra by Georgi Shilov.


Physics by Lev Landau.

The Classical Theory of Fields

Physics by Lev Landau.

Tensor Analysis on Manifolds

Tensor analysis by Richard Bishop and Samuel Goldberg.

Lectures on Differential Geometry

Differential geometry by Shlomo Sternberg.

Cohomology & Differential Forms

Cohomology and differential forms by Isu Vaisman.


Ordinary Differential Equations

Ordinary differential equations by Vladimir Arnold.

Set Theory and Metric Spaces

Set theory and metric spaces by Irving Kaplansky.