Eric Weinstein & Michael Shermer: An honest dialogue about UFOs (YouTube Content)

Eric Weinstein & Michael Shermer: An honest dialogue about UFOs was a livestream of Into the Impossible hosted by Brian Keating, with guests Eric Weinstein and Michael Shermer discussing unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs).

Eric Weinstein & Michael Shermer: An honest dialogue about UFOs
20210616 Brian-Keating Eric-and-Michael-Shermer-UFOs-Adversaries-or-Something-Else.jpg
Host(s) Brian Keating
Guest(s) Eric Weinstein
Michael Shermer
Release Date 16 June 2021
YouTube Watch
Portal Blog Read
All Appearances


What is the nature of the abundant accounts of unexplained aerial phenomena? Are they harbingers of advanced extraterrestrial engineering, math, and physics, beyond our standard model? Or is there a more prosaic, though no less significant explanation, ranging from military operations, unreliable witnesses, or confirmation bias? Is our government sharing all it knows? Or is there really anything 'there' there?

Beyond wanting to believe, do we have any evidence for our beliefs?


This content does not yet have an edited transcript. The Portal Group's Transcript Completion Project generates transcripts for content related to Eric Weinstein and The Portal Podcast. If you would like to contribute, contact Aardvark or Brooke on The Portal Group Discord Server for access to this content's machine-generated transcript.

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