
Joined 27 June 2023
4,873 bytes added ,  29 June 2023
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[[File:Copernicus, Pythagoras and the Ancient Egyption geometrical system.jpg|thumb]]
[[File:Copernicus, Pythagoras and the Ancient Egyption geometrical system.jpg|thumb]]

With regards to astrology, the presumption that the apparent forward and backward motion of a planet, as it traces its epicyclic spyrographic pattern, as viewed from the planet looking outwards, inferred positive and negative attributes, constitutes a man made imposition, based on appearances which are transcended in the understanding of the higher degree of information that constitutes counter intuitive intellgiible information.
With regards to astrology, the presumption that the apparent forward and backward motion of a planet, as it traces its epicyclic spyrographic pattern, as viewed from the planet looking outwards, inferred positive and negative attributes, constitutes a man made imposition, based on appearances which are transcended in the understanding of the higher degree of information that constitutes counter intuitive intellgiible information. It is also apparent that the qualitative gender characterisations of the Earth, as either male as with Egypt, or Female, as in the case of the "Descent of Innana", from signifying a "sky goddess", to being an earth goddess, appears to conform to the shift from the conception of the Earth as an active entity indeed with two "running speeds" as with the initial conception of the "twin bearded god" Geb, indicated in the bottom register- meaning foundational to the image above, of the NRMR tablet. There is much to say about interpretations of this specific tablet, and what occurs to the bearded god Geb, who loses his twin whilst maintaining the greater "running" stride, and over time, loses his position as support for the daylit sky, with his phallus to his father Shu, and eventuallly with shu replaced with the "pillar of stability" or tripple capitalised Tet pillar, and as the sky turns to the night time hours, eventually to the ship that carries the Sun through the night time hours to its dawn position of rising, at the time in the new kingdom when the shift of reverence from the Noontime to the new dawn, and instantiation of the wrathful god, occurs. Whilst many consider Hermes trismagistus, or HERM trice great, to infer the creator of the ogdoad, Thoth, a HERM was a marking stone, commonly with a double bearded head, indicating the passage of a roadway, or identity of a corner or definition of a field. A four faced HERM was commonly placed on the cross roads, and hence the thrice great, indicates the three axes of space. Hermes is often depicted with a beard, holding the "double serpent" and rod of the caduceus, and having wings at his heels. I believe this to indicate a reiteration of the Ancient Egyptian god Geb.
[[File:Hermes with huge phallus, caduceus, cornucopia and double and four herm.jpg|thumb]]
[[File:Geb and nut and shu.jpg|thumb]]

With this vexation regarding the need for a more complex structural analysis of antithetical relations in mind, I decided to engage with the Philosophy Department at Newcastle University, with the intention to work on a PhD, whilst lecturing on issues in PostModern philosophy and a short course on the compartive structural relations underpinning Architecture and town planning from the ancient world. It is here that I first met Shiela Morgan, a retired science teacher and weaving enthusiast, engaged in exploring the structural relations of the Moebius strip and Kleinbottle, from the standpoint of a diagonally woven single joind thread.   
For many years I have been accutely aware that my research fails to support both the general lineage of formalised sciences, and the general lineage of speculative notions regarding narrative figures many of whom are directly associated with the phenomenal relations. Most certainly the phallus of Geb and Osiris, indicate the gnomic staff. The apparent struggling of Geb beneath the arched body of the daylit sky, who appears to run in the opposite direction to where he is looking, might conjur some notion of a struggle or indeed rape by a female entity when in fact it has far more significance as a cosmological identity. In terms of my engagement with either scientists or mystics, both sides of this wall, to which I find significant issues are heavily defended by those who have invested their lives- not in interrogating anything of these subjects, but rather, in reiterating parrot fashion, what informs the primary conventional interpretations that appear to be impervious to any critical enquiry. And its not simply these disciplines. I have been deeply disturbed to see academic's intentionally create a completely botched job in replicating a box camera large enough to stand inside. Indeed the obscuration of the camera obscura! They have done this by including lenses and various forms of obscruational additions. As this is a structure which requires nothing but a singluar pinhole on a sunny wall to an internal room in order to permit light to flood into the interior space so as to reveal the 180 degrees "moebius" inversion of the outside world projected on the internal space, the entire reason for exhibiting such a thing is lost entirely. Even the term "camera" meaning private quaters is significant of once considers the potential to appear as if having mysterious powers, through addressing the name of a person prior to them knocking, as you can see everything occurring outside, from inside whilst sitting in the dark. The "magic" of the camera, the "magic" of the 180 degree twist, and the "magic" of the pinhole, its relevance to the human eye, and to all aspects of the study of light, remains a mystery to the child mind.  As such, there is no refuge for my research. I does not sit with any sense of acceptable relation to anything. And yet the motication behind such work is to transcend the mysterium, while simultaneously exposing the true awe to be held when realising how magnificent mathematics and science really are, and how magnificent ancient cultures really were, and how dreadfully compromised those who think they can interpret signs and symbols and in turn make strong judgements against artists, musicians, scientists, philosophers, and more, without realising to what extent that are themselves delluded.
So not just an epistemological resolution analysis, the knock on effects of this, are profound. I am not a mathematician,  nor scientist, but i am a Geometer, and Philospher, and would have preferred to have been able to engage with both, as was the potential 22 years ago. However people today are so dreadfully defensive of the singular discipline that they are acculturated within, that they - particularly the yonger generations, can be extremely violent and unwilling to engage in ever the most basic of discussions. The most dangerous are the many who think they know how to interpret everything that they think relates to the illuminati or freemasonry.We are living in dagerous times, with dangerous players who have their advantage increased through the veil that is created in the drama of conflicted extremes and often irrelevant interpretations of what they think is actually going on. We live in dangerous times, where antisemitism raises its head once more, and cultural supremacy appears to take the lead.
With the vexation regarding the need for a more complex structural analysis of antithetical relations in mind, I decided to engage with the Philosophy Department at Newcastle University, with the intention to work on a PhD, whilst lecturing on issues in PostModern philosophy and a short course on the compartive structural relations underpinning Architecture and town planning from the ancient world. It is here that I first met Shiela Morgan, a retired science teacher and weaving enthusiast, engaged in exploring the structural relations of the Moebius strip and Kleinbottle, from the standpoint of a diagonally woven single joind thread.   

[[File:Shiela Morgan's investigation of complex figures from the standpoint of a single joined thread woven structure..png|thumb]]
[[File:Shiela Morgan's investigation of complex figures from the standpoint of a single joined thread woven structure..png|thumb]]
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Whilst my Phd thesis concluded that the Purse of Fortunatus model of the single handed chirality Kleinbottle, was not only a figure that could be traced as my research showed, right through the history of Sciences and Speculative philosophy, it inferred a topologically coherent model of the way light gyrated on the surface of the planet due to the planets rotation about its tilted axis, and orbit of the Sun, hence informing the helical signature embodied in the micrographs of DNA structures, provided by Rosalind Franklin. But I was vexxed by the need to comprehend whether or not there were any real geometrical foundations, beyond the work of Gauss, and his speculations on a method to find Pi, from working off a square lattice, and beyond David Hilbert, and additionally beyond the "eightfold eightfold way" informed by Sophus Lie's transformational geometrics as underpinned by the work of Eric Trell. What was missing? What was the difference bewteen the conclusion arising from the work of Sophus Lie, and that arising from the work of Chris illert, as it inferred either many dimensions, or 6D spacetime. The 8 pointed star polyhedra, the Ancient Egyptian study of the squaring of the circle, and the platonic structure of 8 star formed from the coupling of two tetrahedrons, would find resolution in the my recent interrogation of the Pythagoran Cube, and the inferrences drawn it. I needs to find more than an arbitrary geometrical base, as is common from those influenced by the various permutations embodied in speculations on the subject of "sacred geometry".  
Whilst my Phd thesis concluded that the Purse of Fortunatus model of the single handed chirality Kleinbottle, was not only a figure that could be traced as my research showed, right through the history of Sciences and Speculative philosophy, it inferred a topologically coherent model of the way light gyrated on the surface of the planet due to the planets rotation about its tilted axis, and orbit of the Sun, hence informing the helical signature embodied in the micrographs of DNA structures, provided by Rosalind Franklin. But I was vexxed by the need to comprehend whether or not there were any real geometrical foundations, beyond the work of Gauss, and his speculations on a method to find Pi, from working off a square lattice, and beyond David Hilbert, and additionally beyond the "eightfold eightfold way" informed by Sophus Lie's transformational geometrics as underpinned by the work of Eric Trell. What was missing? What was the difference bewteen the conclusion arising from the work of Sophus Lie, and that arising from the work of Chris illert, as it inferred either many dimensions, or 6D spacetime. The 8 pointed star polyhedra, the Ancient Egyptian study of the squaring of the circle, and the platonic structure of 8 star formed from the coupling of two tetrahedrons, would find resolution in the my recent interrogation of the Pythagoran Cube, and the inferrences drawn it. I needs to find more than an arbitrary geometrical base, as is common from those influenced by the various permutations embodied in speculations on the subject of "sacred geometry".  
[[File:Pythagoras 216 lines ruled with cube.jpg|thumb]]
[[File:Hilbert squaring circle rhind papyris.jpg|thumb]]
[[File:The delian oracle.jpg|thumb]]

This was a neccessity that could underpin the natural sciences with more rigour than that which was inferred by the various texts from the speculative tradition, for without more than arbitrary models, both natural science and natural law remained without adequate foundations. This work began after the completion of my PhD, in 2006, and was underpinned by my quest to comprehend the link bewteen the Kleinbottle and moebius strip, so called higherdimensional structures such as the hypercube or tesseract, or of Diophantine whole-number cells, or Penroses polynominoes. Key to this was the rejection of vector geometries as merely a techincality, and a return to the investigation of elementary Astronomical foundations, and in turn, of more utilitarian and axiomatic systems as given by Euclid and Descarte where the  "space cube", began to take shape, as that which is underpinned by the Hyperbolic arcs of daily time, and ratios of day to night. I finally began to understood that many including myself, generally mistook the Veil of Mysticism, for the things that this veil concealed. This was a somewhat terrifying realisation. From 2008, when this connection was fully realised in the study of the structure inherent in Stone henge, my need understand the science of Ancient Egypt, led to serious research into philological studies, and a deep dive into Ancient Egyptian Heirglyphs from the standpoint of this geometrical perspective underpinned by the two circle model. What I realised was that without this understanding, Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphs were themselves relatively obscured. Marshall Clagetts 4 volumes of Ancient Egyptian science, as well as the work of numerous others coupled to my geometrical analysis, has led to a more complete comprehension of Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphs and the permutations of these over time, as the political system of the twin lands, remained relatively stable, until the incursion of external forces from the middle kingdoms on, which eventually completely undermined its potential to survive.
This was a neccessity that could underpin the natural sciences with more rigour than that which was inferred by the various texts from the speculative tradition, for without more than arbitrary models, both natural science and natural law remained without adequate foundations. This work began after the completion of my PhD, in 2006, and was underpinned by my quest to comprehend the link bewteen the Kleinbottle and moebius strip, so called higherdimensional structures such as the hypercube or tesseract, or of Diophantine whole-number cells, or Penroses polynominoes. Key to this was the rejection of vector geometries as merely a techincality, and a return to the investigation of elementary Astronomical foundations, and in turn, of more utilitarian and axiomatic systems as given by Euclid and Descarte where the  "space cube", began to take shape, as that which is underpinned by the Hyperbolic arcs of daily time, and ratios of day to night. I finally began to understood that many including myself, generally mistook the Veil of Mysticism, for the things that this veil concealed. This was a somewhat terrifying realisation. From 2008, when this connection was fully realised in the study of the structure inherent in Stone henge, my need understand the science of Ancient Egypt, led to serious research into philological studies, and a deep dive into Ancient Egyptian Heirglyphs from the standpoint of this geometrical perspective underpinned by the two circle model. What I realised was that without this understanding, Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphs were themselves relatively obscured. Marshall Clagetts 4 volumes of Ancient Egyptian science, as well as the work of numerous others coupled to my geometrical analysis, has led to a more complete comprehension of Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphs and the permutations of these over time, as the political system of the twin lands, remained relatively stable, until the incursion of external forces from the middle kingdoms on, which eventually completely undermined its potential to survive.
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= note to eric =
= note to eric =
Here in the antipodeans, Google is the dominant force, and has been dominant force since its partnership with major accademic institutions many years ago. Today, it is virtually impossible without linux to engage with anything on the internet freely. It was preventing all of your sites from being seen, and it took me quite some time to work around this. I have now found them, and am studying as much a I can. Very much enjoyed your discussion with Lissi, but have numerous questions from both sides of the discourse. It is such a pleasure to listen to such intellects. Thankyou for your brilliant mind, you brave spirit, and inspiring work.
To be continued tomorrow. just watched joe rogan 1945---- Diego Rappaport (recieved a 500 page book of my post doctoral geometry research in 2010, and recently began working with Steven Rosen from Suny who was one of my examiners and hence has my PhD thesis...... he contacted me in 2005 regarding my research hence becoming my examiner. Eric Trell translated sophus lie into English in 1996 another examiner. Stein work with Santilli - Hadron sciences...and Chris illert (6D spacetime conchology research) is assocated with Santilli.....and Peter Rowlands with his universal rewrite system was in attendance in conference with british computer society.... the gemoetry worked out by them and Vanessa Hill, who I dont hear anything about since then, is not fully worked out...... .. Diego has written me out of his work on torsion physics- all of his studies on the kleinbottle came from my research. ...... As I have lost my library, it will take some time to write this all out off the top of head. I apologise for the numerous spelling mistakes, as there appears to be no spell check here. Here in the antipodeans, Google is the dominant force, which has concealed so much and all of your sites. I have now found them, and am studying as much a I can. Very much enjoyed your discussion with Lissi, but have numerous points that vex me, from both sides of the discourse. It is such a pleasure to listen to such intellects. I hope you dont mind me writing to you in this way, Eric. If so, you now have an email address. Thankyou for your brilliant mind and inspiring work.
