Robert Hermann

Robert C. Hermann (April 28, 1931 – February 10, 2020) was an American mathematical physicist.

Bob with his daughter, Gabrielle, at her graduation in 2005 from the Fletcher School, Tufts University.

Books & PapersEdit

Interdisciplinary Mathematics SeriesEdit

Published by Math Sci Press, Brookline, Massachusetts

Hermann's Interdisciplinary Mathematics Series
  1. General Algebraic Ideas (1973)
  2. Linear and Tensor Algebra (1973)
  3. Algebraic Topics in Systems Theory (1973)
  4. Energy-Momentum Tensors (1973)
  5. Topics in General Relativity (1973)
  6. Topics in the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics (1973)
  7. Spinors, Clifford and Cayley Algebras (1974)
  8. Linear Systems and Introductory Algebraic Geometry (1974)
  9. Geometric Structure Theory of Systems-Control Theory and Physics, Part A (1974)
  10. Gauge Fields and Cartan–Ehresmann Connections (1975)
  11. Geometric Structure of Systems-Control Theory and Physics, Part B (1976)
  12. Geometric Theory of Non-Linear Differential Equations, Bäcklund Transformations, and Solitons, Part A (1976)
  13. Algebro-Geometric and Lie Theoretic Techniques in Systems Theory (with Clyde Martin) (1977)
  14. Geometric Theory of Non-Linear Differential Equations, Bäcklund Transformations, and Solitons, Part B (1976)
  15. Toda Lattices, Cosymplectic Manifolds, Bäcklund Transformations, and Kinks, Part A (1977)
  16. Quantum and Fermion Differential Geometry (1977)
  17. Differential Geometry and the Calculus of Variations, 2nd Edition (1977)
  18. Toda Lattices, Cosymplectic Manifolds, Bäcklund Transformations, and Kinks, Part B (1977)
  19. Yang–Mills, Kaluza–Klein, and the Einstein Program (with contributions by Frank Estabrook, Hugo Wahlquist) (1978)
  20. Cartanian Geometry, Nonlinear Waves, and Control Theory, Part A (1979)
  21. Cartanian Geometry, Nonlinear Waves, and Control Theory, Part B (1980)
  22. Topics in the Geometric Theory of Linear Systems (1984)
  23. Topics in the Geometric Theory of Integrable Dynamical Systems (1984)
  24. Topics in Physical Geometry (1988)
  25. Geometric Computing Science – First Steps (1991)
  26. Geometric Structures in Nonlinear Physics (1991)
  27. Constrained Mechanics and Lie theory (1992)
  28. Lie–Cartan–Ehresmann Theory (1993)
  29. Lie-theoretic Ordinary Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Mechanics, and Differential Systems (1994)
  30. C–O–R Generalized Functions, Current Algebras and Control (1994)

Lie Groups Series: History, Frontiers and ApplicationsEdit

Hermann's Lie Groups Series
  1. Sophus Lie's 1880 Transformation Group Paper. Translation by M. Ackerman. Appendices by R. Hermann
  2. Ricci and Levi-Civita's Tensor Analysis Paper. Translation and comments by R. Hermann
  3. Sophus Lie's 1884 Differential Invariants Paper. Translation by M. Ackerman. Appendices by R. Hermann
  4. Smooth Compactification of Locally Symmetric Varieties. By A. Ash, D. Mumford, M. Rapoport and Y. Tal
  5. Simplectic Geometry and Fourier Analysis. By N. Wallach. Appendix on Quantum Mechanic by R. Hermann
  6. The 1976 AMES Research Center (NASA) Conference on Geometric Nonlinear Wave Theory. Edited by R. Hermann
  7. The 1976 AMES Research Center (NASA) Conference on Geometric Control Theory. Edited by R. Hermann and Clyde Martin
  8. Hilbert's Papers on Invariant Theory. Translated by M. Ackerman, comments by R. Hermann
  9. Development of Mathematics in the 19th Century. By Felix Klein. Translated by M. Ackerman. Appendix: "Kleinian Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint" by R. Hermann
  10. Quantum Statistical Mechanics and Lie Group Harmonic Analysis. By Norman Hurt and Robert Hermann (1980)
  11. First Workshop on Grand Unification. Editors: P. Frampton, S. Glashow and A. Yildiz
  12. Inverse Scattering Papers: 1955-1963. By Irvin Kay and Harry E. Moses
  13. Geometry of Riemannian Spaces. By Elie Cartan. Translation by James Glazebrook, Appendices by Robert Hermann
  14. The Geometric Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations. By Georges Valiron. Translation by James Glazebrook
  15. The Classical Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces. By Georges Valiron. Translation by James Glazebrook

Systems Information and ControlEdit

  1. Geometry and Identification: Proceedings of APSM Workshop on System Geometry, System Identification, and Parameter Identification. Editors: Peter Canes and Robert Hermann
  2. Berkeley-Ames Workshop on Nonlinear Problems in Control and Fluid Mechanics. Editors: L. R. Hunt and C. F. Martin

Other WorksEdit

  • Lie algebras and quantum mechanics, Benjamin, Inc (1970)
  • Geometry, Physics and Systems, Dekker (1973)
  • Differential geometric methods and ideas in physics and engineering, Rutgers University Press, (1973)
  • Compactifications of Homogeneous Spaces and Contractions of Lie Groups, PNAS, (1964)
  • Lie Groups for Physicists, Addison-Wesley Publication Co (1966)
  • Fourier Analysis on Groups and Partial Wave Analysis, Benjamin, Inc (1969)
  • Lectures in Mathematical Physics, Benjamin, Inc (1970)
  • Vector Bundles in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 1, Benjamin, Inc (1970)
  • Vector Bundles in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2, Benjamin, Inc (1970)
  • Physical Aspects of Lie Group Theory, Les Presses de l'university de Montreal (1974)
  • Ames Research Center Publications, (1977)
  • Nonlinear Controllability and Observability, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (1977)

Eric on HermannEdit

Further InfoEdit